On the hunt for ‘easy to find – easy to make’ pain relief recipes!

Hey Everyone,

So as some of you might know; I have an unfortunate back problem that I am continuously trying to get to the bottom of, but that which is proving to be one heck of ride! Up… Aaaaaaand down gain; is basically how it goes. Recent bone scans have brought up a new discovery, indicating abnormal activity in my joints & bones. Yes. That’s right. Some kind of funky business has come to join my spine in this torturous series; where I have been given the lead role! Wow! I guess I have learned how to act pretty well when it comes to masking the effects of a chronic condition. Make no mistake though, it’s not worth the Emmy Award! “, She said slightly chuckling to herself. You’ve got laugh a little & lighten the load I say!”

In the mean time:

I found this awesome blog called ‘Soletshangout.com; a catchy name don’t you think?! 🙂 It’s pretty cute too! I love the illustration on it, heeheehee! Adorable I tell you. Not to mention, having been told I now need to stay away from BREAD & MILK!!! 😦 – Aaaah! Straight out of a nightmare! – I’m interested to try out the Gluten free goods on the blog & any of the other appealing appetizers I know i’ll come across! Oh bother, just go take a look for yourself!

Anyhoo, I found this awesome blog called ‘Soletshangout.com; on it, there it was, staring me in the face! The eyes.. err.. you get the picture!

Wait for it! Pain Relieving Turmeric Juice! No I haven’t lost my marbles and no I’m not in the slightest bit put off by it! Curious, more like it.

So here it is: http://soletshangout.com/pain-relieving-turmeric-juice-juicing-for-pain-relief/

You know the drill: Check it out & if you give it a try – why not let me and Gina Marie from Soletshangout.com know how you found it?

When I get around to testing it, I’ll share it with you!

… mmmm… what’s for dinner? :p

4 thoughts on “On the hunt for ‘easy to find – easy to make’ pain relief recipes!

  1. Don’t worry Frendo, there are so many people going the Gluten free route at the moment so your in a bit of luck as the goods aren’t as scarce as they used to be. Woolies do an awesome range which they have just expanded – from breads to cakes to little cheat treats. The whole lifestyle is slightly expensive and a bit of something to get used to… but once you’re on the wagon you won’t want to get off. All the best babe – thinking bout you always!

    • Thanks, I’ll check it out when I go to Woolies! 🙂 Price is clearly going to make holes in the pocket but maybe I should shop around…thanks Shani, hope we can do that bring & share soon. Maybe a few bloggers; make it interesting. Everyone can bring or share what they blog about. Like Decor can set up the space 🙂 … foodies can bring the yummies, lifestyle can share tips & products to test & fashion can share the latest trends & looks for less! 🙂 xxx

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